The Wanderings of Odysseus in 3D Scenes

We propose GAMMA, an automatic and scalable solution, to populate the 3D scene with diverse digital humans. The digital humans have 1) varied body shapes, 2) realistic and perpetual motions to reach goals, and 3) plausible body-ground contact.

CVPR 2022

GAMMA has served different applications.

1. Inhabitating the Virtual City

Collaborating with Gramazio Kohler Research, GAMMA is implemented in Nvidia Omniverse, and let 200 virtual humans inhabit a 600-meter-high digital verticle city. As shown on the left, the entire system is running on the fly for about 8 hours per day. Virtual humans of various identities are continuously placed at random places, and move spontaneously in the scene. Curated by Norman Foster Foundation and others, this is currently exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao. Our research is also in the frontpage news of ETH Zurich.

2. Mixing Virtual Humans and Real Scenes with Microsoft Hololens

We implement our method into Microsoft Hololens, and developed an App to populate a real environment. The left is an example in our ETH main building. The App includes a frontend in the edge device to scan the environment and render the human bodies, and a backend to generate human motions on the cloud. By placing waypoints on the floors, we can guide differnet human bodies to move spontaneously. As shown below, virtual humans are wandering multiple floors at the ETH main building lobby. Code is released here!



Our goal is to populate digital environments, in which the digital humans have diverse body shapes, move perpetually, and have plausible body-scene contact. The core challenge is to generate realistic, controllable, and infinitely long motions for diverse 3D bodies. To this end, we propose generative motion primitives via body surface markers, shortened as GAMMA. In our solution, we decompose the long-term motion into a time sequence of motion primitives. We exploit body surface markers and conditional variational autoencoder to model each motion primitive, and generate long-term motion by implementing the generative model recursively. To control the motion to reach a goal, we apply a policy network to explore the model latent space, and use a tree-based search to preserve the motion quality during testing. Experiments show that our method can produce more realistic and controllable motion than state-of-the-art data-driven method. With conventional path-finding algorithms, the generated human bodies can realistically move in the scene for a long distance and a long time.

Use case: How to navigate a body mesh in a 3D scene?

Let's assume that we have a virtual environment of 40x40 squaremeters with obstacles (cyan blocks).


Step 1: bake a navigation mesh
This step can either be completed by blender, or other game engines like Unity3D or Unreal. Note that margins around the blocks are specified to avoid collision.


Step 2: randomly choose a walking path
Based on the navigation mesh, we can use path-finding algorithms, e.g. A*, to produce walking paths, which are in terms of a set of waypoints. In our example, we specify a random starting location, a random ending location, and produce the path using this repo.


Step 3: place a random body mesh at the starting location, and run GAMMA
On the starting location, we place a SMPL-X body mesh that faces the next target. The body mesh is either male or female. The first 10 body shape parameters are randomly sampled from N(0,I), and the body pose is randomly sampled from VPoser. Afterwards, we can obtain the results shown in the videos below.


A demonstration video with narration. If it does not play in Safari, please follow this link to change the privacy setting.

The influence of the initial body pose on motion. Given the same body shape, the influence of the initial pose is obvious.

The influence of the body shape on motion. Given the same initial body pose, the influence of the body shape is not consistent.


Yan Zhang, Siyu Tang
The Wanderings of Odysseus in 3D Scenes
CVPR, 2022

   title={The Wanderings of Odysseus in 3D Scenes},
   author={Zhang, Yan and Tang, Siyu},
   booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


We thank Gramazio Kohler Research to provide architecture CAD models for experiments. Visualizations of body motions are largely based on the SMPL-X blender add-on. Thank Jonathan Lehner for his efforts to deploy GAMMA in Nvidia Omniverse. Thank Lukas Bösiger for this efforts to deploy GAMMA in Hololens.


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